Upcoming conferences

I’ve barely posted in the last week as the result of the following: Finally “launching” an actual website (and by “launching” I mean posting some html pages with no significant information on them whatsoever save a bunch of lorem ispum and empty promises), and preparing for NCSA and ACLA, which are next weekend and the following weekend respectively. At NCSA I’ll be presenting on Jane Addams, turn of the century social reformer and labor rights advocate, whose work I fell into after my research last year on Lucy Morgan and her work with North Carolina Weavers:


(photo courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, 165-WW-397B-8)

At ACLA I’ll be reuniting with friends and colleagues from IU for a panel on women during periods of historical transition. I’ll be discussing Sonia Delaunay, an early 20th textiles artist. 

One of Delaunay’s desings for the Ballets Russes’s production of Cléopâtre, 1918.

Preparing for two conferences at once is not easy, but it’s so very fun to read, think, and write about these two women that I’m having a hard time mustering up regret for overworking myself. 

More soon.


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